- The ‘BC Audiovisual Promotion Incentive’ is divided into the categories of promotion of the state of Baja California to attract films and in support of national productions or international co-productions
Tijuana, B.C. November 25, 2020.- In order to promote and encourage the growth of the audiovisual and film industry to make Baja California an optimal destination for the development of projects, the Secretariat of Sustainable Economy and Tourism of Baja California (SEST) - through the State Advisory Filming Council - presented the 'BC Audiovisual Promotion Incentive'.
During the second session of the council, undersecretary of the SEST, Rubén Roa Dueñas - in representation of the secretary and President of the Council, Mario Escobedo Carignan - pointed out that the industry has had a historical growth and development thanks to the coordinated participation between government, private and social sectors, who have been promoting the economic and tourist development of the state.
“In this year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, 41 productions have been registered between feature films, television series, commercials, short films, among others, generating an economic spill of more than 5 million dollars, reflected in the creation of jobs, supplies, locations, equipment rental, labor and, above all, hotel occupancy," said the official.
Roa Dueñas explained that the 'BC Audiovisual Promotion Incentive' will be allocated annually by the amount of 1 million 500 thousand pesos from the Tourism Promotion Trust of the State of Baja California, to various productions and projects that wish to participate in obtaining the funding.
The incentive is made up of two categories, which consist in the promotion of the state of Baja California to attract filming -participation in international events, festivals and conventions- and support for national productions or international co-productions -70% of its filming must be in locations within the state.
During the session, a proposal to update the Law for the Promotion, Encouragement and Development of the State Film and Audiovisual Industry was also presented, in addition to the animation project “Brutus”, by producer Ricardo Arnaiz. In the same way, health protocols against COVID-19 and measures that have been taken in the State.
The event was attended by the Undersecretary of Tourism of the SEST, Ivette Casillas Rivera; the Baja California Commissioner for Cinematography, Javier Espinoza Medina; as well as representatives of the audiovisual union, schools, businessmen, organizations such as Baja California Hace Cine, and special guests.